I believe we came from God. I simply cannot agree with some man made theories that, man evolved from some minute living organic cell. I simply believe that in the beginning God made it all. God after seeing His whole creation found it to be good, but He sought for someone with whom He could fellowship. So, God made man in His own image. Therefore, we are a created being. The Bible says, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). So man was created by God. Notice that man is different from every other creature in this world. You see, there is nothing else like man. We need to realize that today. The Bible says God gave man dominion over everything else that He had made (Psalm 8:6). Man is a created being. 

When God made man, He breathed into his nostrils His very breath and man received the soul from God. On doing so, the man copies one of the attributes of God, that is – the Eternal Nature. Thus, man now bears an eternal nature, bearing the soul of God lives as long as God lives. God lives forever and so does our soul. That makes you, not only a created being, but that also makes you an eternal being. You are going to be living somewhere few billions of years from today. Now you are not a body with a soul. You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You are a soul with a body. Your body will go back to the dust of the ground. The Bible calls it ‘putting off this tabernacle’ or ‘the dissolving of this earthly house’. But, you have a soul which will live on forever and ever. That is why Jesus said, ‘For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul . . . (Matthew 16:26)?’.What would it profit you if you gained all of the stars, the sun, the moon, all of the gold in Fort Knox, all of the stocks on the stock market, all of the oil in Iran and the rest of the Middle East, every railroad enterprise, the great Chase Manhattan Bank and all the other banks, what would it profit you, if you had it all and lost your soul? You see, God made you an eternal being. It doesn’t matter how much of this world you may own, it won’t do you any good. Because death is going to knock on your door just the same as it does on the door of everyone else. 

God needed sons and daughters (children who would love Him), although He had the whole of the universe created, according to His plan. So the man was given a commandment in which He was instructed by God to obey Him (out of which he could love God, just like a child who loves his father would never like to hurt his dad by disobeying him). Now by this commandment, the man was given a chance to obey God and show love on Him. In other words, the man was given something called as- FREE WILL, through which he could either obey or disobey God. The entire creation does not have a chance to disobey God because it does not have a free will. But a man and a woman with the free will, given to them could obey God and by their obedience out of their free will they would now be called as a son and a daughter of God. This was the ultimate plan of God. So, there was a conscience given to the man in order to follow the commandments of God.

Unfortunately, Adam and Eve (the first man) disobeyed God, with the free-will given to them. Why is it we can swim like a fish in our sophisticated submarines, fly like a bird to distant planets, but we cannot live with each other here on earth? Why is it we can walk on the moon but it is not safe to walk on the streets of our city, nor any other city? We don’t have to look very far to know there is something wrong with man. The results of sin can be seen everywhere. The Bible tells us why, ‘By one man (Adam) sin entered into the world’ (Romans 5:12). Sin has plagued this old world ever since it made its appearance through Adam. This world is in a mess because man is a sinful being. ‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23).

Now, having disobeyed God, Adam and Eve were separated from God not only in their bodies (by killing their sinless conscience) but also eternally, as their souls were separated from His’ (now being destined to go to hell). As a consequence of sin, man is a lost being. Death- is one stigma which every man now carries as a result of sin, which originally was not intended for us by God. This sin from then diffused into the minds of the people as an enslaving and corrupting power in human heart that gives birth to sinful thoughts, attitudes and actions. Also, it (the sin) brought along with it the misery and heartaches that results in the lives of those trapped by the enslaving and corrupting power of sin. You can surely feel the reality of this in the world today.

There are four important attributes of God.
God is a God of Holiness- Sin cannot dwell in His holy presence
God is a God of freewill- God never forces
God is a God of Justice- He can never overlook at sin
God is a God of love- His love is infinite which cannot be measured

God is infinitely holy and sin has no place in the presence of God. Also, God is a just God, He can never overlook at sin. God cannot allow sin to go unpunished. Justice requires that sin be punished, because sin deserves punishment. The justice of God obliges him to punish sin. Adam and Eve having been sinned were to face all the consequences of sin. Also, sin separated them from God both in flesh and in soul (eternally). Now, you can say when God so loved the man, how could He allow His children to be taken away by the sin? How can a God of love leave His children to burn in hell eternally? Absolutely correct, He wouldn’t, not at any cost! Read through, to know, to what extent God went to get back His children for Himself.