Welcome to Sons’ Ministries

Greetings to you in the name of Christ. I am so glad you visited our website.

We are a Christ centered community located in Nalgonda- a tiny town, in the thick of Telangana. Taught by Christ, forgiven by the Father, sealed by the Spirit of God, with an indwelling fire for our Lord, we are the children of the Most High, having rendered our lives in obedience to the great commission of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). Our church is a place, where any ordinary person can walk in and be spiritually revolutionized every week by passionate teaching, dynamic worship and a friendly community!

We would love to have you with us, as you discover Sons’ to be a safe place to satisfy your Spirit, to seek God and find Him, serving Him and His dear ones with us. Welcoming you from wherever you are, you can be a part of our family through your presence or by staying connected to our Media. To know about the heart of our ministry and how best we can serve you, do explore our website.

Bro. Ravinder

Church Itinerary

  • Every Sunday | Sunday Service Nalgonda | - 1am to 1noon
  • Every Tuesday | Worship Conference, Narketpally | - 5pm to 7pm
  • Every Thursday | Women's meet | - 2pm - 4pm
  • Every Friday | Fasting service | - 7pm - 9pm
  • Going Deeper with Jesus | Everyday zoom service | 7pm - 9pm
  • Every Thursday & Saturday | Bible Study | 6:30pm - 9pm

Blog Articles

GOD is looking for a warrior Bride not a pampered one!

Rev 19:7-9- Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come,

Test Vs Temptation

Many times in our walk with God, we tend to go through a period of darkness, a period of testing,

How to be led by Holy Spirit God in your practical life?

As a child of God, a Spirit-led life-style is not just a choice to consider but a very important requisite

A portrait of the woman who would be used by God

True leaders are raised not in the Bible Colleges but under the relentless ministry of a mother devoted to the

Where is my Refuge?- with the release of “Naa Aashrayam Neevey”

 Life after the release of “Na Kaapari Nevey” was an unusual hit that I ever had before in my life.

How do I break free from the worldly life-style?

I once, believed that worldliness was a life-style of those going to parties, watching movies, drinking, smoking and various other

How to show faith like Abraham in practical situations?

We all have known and heard about this well-known scripture– “Abraham believed and it was accounted to him for righteousness”-

How do I know what is God’s will for me?

One early morning, in a dream Lord showed me how His will is revealed to us in our lives. In



Lyrics & chords

Let’s Fellowship


Prayer Request

If you have a prayer request for yourself or your loved one, do not hesitate to write your heart to us. We have our anointed prayer team interceding for your needs at the feet of the Lord.


    Blessed by Sons' Ministry in any way? Do feel free to leave your testimony here.

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