Let's Breakthrough Blog

Welcome to my first blogging site ever- Let’s Breakthrough! I am excited to talk to you.

In my journey of serving the Lord, I have come across many young souls desperate to find answers for the most daunting questions in their life. I see many pondering over these questions while many more yielding to the negative anticipations out of them. The consequences in few cases are very fatal which could have been otherwise prevented. Most of the times their glorious, bright futures awaiting them were masked by the dark clouds of the present. And many end up living a low quality life in this process subjecting themselves to deep depression & all sorts of nightmares. May be little more love, little more light, little more patience, little more hope could have helped them cross those dark valleys of life in the right way.

Let's Breakthrough is a place where you get answers to the biggest soul tearing questions in your life!

GOD is looking for a warrior Bride not a pampered one!

Rev 19:7-9- Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.  It is so true

Test Vs Temptation

Many times in our walk with God, we tend to go through a period of darkness, a period of testing, a wilderness experience; there is a time in every believer’s life when he walks through the phase of the unknown, when his soul is wearied to an extent that he starts questioning the very plan

How to be led by Holy Spirit God in your practical life?

As a child of God, a Spirit-led life-style is not just a choice to consider but a very important requisite to which we need to adopt ourselves, in order to continue in His lordship/son ship and be fruitful for the scripture clearly says in Romans 8:14- ‘For all who are being led by the Spirit

A portrait of the woman who would be used by God

True leaders are raised not in the Bible Colleges but under the relentless ministry of a mother devoted to the service of the Lord.

Where is my Refuge?- with the release of “Naa Aashrayam Neevey”

 Life after the release of “Na Kaapari Nevey” was an unusual hit that I ever had before in my life. Quick and adverse changes that knocked my door, gave me no time to ponder about what was actually happening around me. Questions like – “Why me, Why did you allow, Lord? How long?” visited me

How do I break free from the worldly life-style?

I once, believed that worldliness was a life-style of those going to parties, watching movies, drinking, smoking and various other habits. But at a closer look, I realized that we the church of Christ also suffer from this contagious disease of ‘worldliness’ at a very critical level. We respond to the altar calls, we make

How to show faith like Abraham in practical situations?

We all have known and heard about this well-known scripture– “Abraham believed and it was accounted to him for righteousness”- Romans 4:3. I have always wondered, what was so special about Abraham’s faith? How was it? What was the nature of the faith which was accounted to him as righteousness of God and fulfilled the

How do I know what is God’s will for me?

One early morning, in a dream Lord showed me how His will is revealed to us in our lives. In this dream, I was a heavenly citizen and was amidst the vast groups of angels who were our spectators from above. They all were very anxiously & keenly watching on how we believers behave during

About the Author

Sis. Shruti P Vottepu
As my heart yearned to reach out to each one of you in your battling times, I felt this blog could be one good medium where you can pour out your heart and I can help you with what my Father has taught me all these years, personally. There was a time when I had my uncertainties too, I battled head over toe to find out what was Lord intending to do at that point of my life! It was then; God opened my eyes to see those thousands of young souls tearing themselves apart in insecurity and confusion. Obviously, Christ is the way out- but only the entangled soul knows how impossible it seems to yield to the plan of Christ from the middle of the problem! Yet- there is a way out much easier than we ever thought it could be.

Let's Breakthrough is a place where you get answers to the biggest soul tearing questions in your life! Questions like- "Why me? What is the reason? How long? Can I ever?" have perfect answers in Christ! You have them in your life for a purpose, they are meant to pull you closer to your destiny! Will you believe it, if I say they are only your unresolved puzzle of the most beautiful story that God is writing through you? Only if you find answers for them, will you realize how passionately your life was scripted!


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Today’s Word

So, gear up! Don’t break yourself; wear off that cloak of hopelessness & despair. God has made a provision for every need of yours. You just have to know how to get it. Your biggest ‘Whys’ could be your greatest reasons to fall in love with your Savior. Explore our blog, find out the answers for which you had been desperately looking for all these years. I would be updating this blog with new questions week after week. In case, if your query is not included in my list, do write to me and get an answer for it in my next update!

Shoot your question here: