Born to be Fruitful – ఫలించుటకే జన్మించితిమి – by Pastor Ravinder Vottepu ( TELUGU BIBLE MESSAGE )

2 thoughts on “Born to be Fruitful – ఫలించుటకే జన్మించితిమి – by Pastor Ravinder Vottepu ( TELUGU BIBLE MESSAGE )

  1. Even though I don’t speak your language, as I listened to this sermon I just began to cry….I began to weep at how incredibly beautiful it is to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ being proclaimed in an another language!! It’s such a beautiful thing to hear the message of Christ being lifted high in every language and every nation. Thank you, THANK YOU so very much for putting these videos on your website so that people all around the world can see what God is doing in Nalgonda!! You are a wonderful blessing, and it is an honor for me to have listened to your sermons. I live in America, but I’m grateful that this website helps me connect with what God is doing in India!

    The song you sang, Ravinder, at the end was BEAUTIFUL!!! You have been blessed with a wonderful voice, and a gift of showing your love for the Lord through singing and music!! Again, thank you for all you are doing as you are all in my prayers!! Blessings and peace to you all in Jesus Name!!

    1. Dear Sister Jessica Terry,
      We rejoice to hear from you. The glory belongs to God alone.
      Do stay tuned as we update our sermon resources with English sermons as well.

      May God bless you richly in the Spirit.
      – Sons’

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