Where is my Refuge?- with the release of “Naa Aashrayam Neevey”

Thursday, May 5th, 2016   16 Comments

CD FB Life after the release of “Na Kaapari Nevey” was an unusual hit that I ever had before in my life. Quick and adverse changes that knocked my door, gave me no time to ponder about what was actually happening around me. Questions like – “Why me, Why did you allow, Lord? How long?” visited me very often. Sudden demise of my dad, failing condition of my mom, peculiar disturbances all around me, drove me to state of utter blankness. It was at those times that I poured out myself at the feet of the Lord like never before. Prayers couldn’t but help take the form of interrogations, fasting became my lifestyle and worship my only rescue. Yes, that was when I went in search of the refuge of the Lord and in His amazing love I found His welcoming arms wrapping me with His rest.

I found the “Refuge of the Lord” to be a place where your storms are calmed, your tears are wiped, peace is outpoured and your questions meet with their answers. Your wandering thoughts are now asleep and the love of God takes complete control. It’s the fort where distress & worries are replaced with joy unexplainable. It’s the stronghold where beauty surrounds you and mercy comforts you. It’s a strong tower, staying where the enemy cannot smell you nor the world touch you. It’s a place where you meet with the lover of your soul and commune with Him face to face, without a single disturbance. It’s a place of rest that nothing in the world could ever ever give you & yes, it is the safest place that ever exists!

It was from that height, the Lord revealed to me what was happening on the earth beneath. I saw, there is a world which is more real than that which meets our eyes. There is an active, very active spiritual world all around us. There are both angels of God and the demonic angels in constant war with each other, yet invisible to us. One thing I noticed is, everything that happens in the natural realm is nothing but the consequence of the war that is happening in the spiritual realm between the angels & the demons. And you would be astonished to know this – Do you know who determines the victory in this battle? Neither the angelic hosts nor the evil spirits, it is you & me!! Yes, you got me right, the one to whom we offer our support wins the battle! The one on whom we fix our eyes – draws more power from us. The more you fix your mind upon the problem, the greater your enemy becomes & the weaker you become. On contrary, the more you fix your focus on the Lord & His word & act on it, the easier it becomes for our ministering angels to defeat the enemy.

They fight, for a common thing! That’s your – faith, your confidence, your trust, your time! Yes, your faith in God’s word can change the total atmosphere around you, your trust & obedience towards God’s word makes the satanic kingdom tremble & fear you. Inversely, doubt & unbelief disarms the angels of God around you. Startling isn’t it? But most of us are unaware of this. Instead of identifying that our enemy is in the spiritual realm, we battle with the things, the situations and the people in the natural realm. Understand my dear friends, as long as we try to fix our problems in natural realm, we remain unsuccessful. The real battle is in the mind. That’s why our Lord says- set your minds on things above & not on the things below. Irrespective of what happens around you, when you fix your mind on our Problem Solver- Jesus, than on the problem itself – you open the gates to supernatural in your life. Yes, it does work out my dear friends, infact it works out only this way. Fix it in spiritual realm and you will watch the results in the natural.

Broken? Destitute? Hopeless? Abandoned? Is everything broke around you, has everyone given up on you? Don’t know from where your help is going to come? Listen to me my dear ones, there is only one way out of all this. Didn’t Lord part the red sea before Israelites, didn’t He provide for 5000 & plus from the very little, didn’t He kill goliath with a stone’s hit, didn’t he confuse the enemy’s camp with a single sound of trumpet? It is all the work of the Father seated on the throne and not ours in the natural realm. We just have to believe in Him & watch Him change the scene for His glory.  And all this is possible only when you enter the refuge of the Most high, from where you get the heaven’s eyes to see and make way for the supernatural breaking through your natural situations.

So, I invite you my dear friends, from the place where I am abiding right now, in Christ Jesus. From the place where I see my dad resting in great joy with my Lord, from where I watch my mom protected in the blood of Christ, from where I see the glory that is going to be outpoured upon us, from where I defeat & destroy every work of the enemy ever devised against us, in Christ Jesus. Come here, my dear ones, to the refuge of the Lord, to the stronghold which is prepared for you in the times of the trouble, to the rock which will never fail you. This is not a means of escaping or avoiding the trouble ahead of you, this is a means of surrendering the problem to the Lord & letting heaven’s power into that situation, to get victory over it! Run up here and you shall be safe.

These songs that you are going to listen through our New album-“Naa Aasshrayam Neevey”, are the spiritual ladders which helped me climb the steps of surrendarance, faith, hope and love & brought me to the place of refuge & rest in Christ Jesus. The more I ascended, the less concerned I became about the world around me. And I witnessed these songs, crave a secret path to the place of shelter in my Lord, from where came all the help that I ever needed. Now, I release these musical weapons into your lives, declare them to defeat the enemy’s work in your life. Immerse yourself in them & find yourself in the journey with Holy Spirit God to the most beautiful place that exists for you – the refuge of the Lord!

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16 thoughts on “Where is my Refuge?- with the release of “Naa Aashrayam Neevey”

  1. Praise God! am blessed reading the background scene of this album i believe this is powerful album, Na Thandri neeve song was like a strong arrow to use in worship to breakdown strong holds and give hope. Am Excited! about this album Can’t wait to run into the refuge of the Lord!

  2. Thank you Pastor Ravinder for sharing this amazing journey from sadness to a life of joy, it has immensely strengthened me to seek His Face and presence rather than thinking of past failures and disappointments, it is so true that we find comfort and assurance in Him. My life has been blessed through your sermons and songs as well. May the Lord use you mightily in India and throughout the world.

    Kind regards,


  3. Hope ”Na a Aasshrayan Neevey”’ is going to be a Spiritual Ladder for many in taking them to the refuge of the Lord……
    God Bless you and your ministry.

    Waiting for the release…..

  4. Praise the lord pastor. Really i am blessed by reading this. While reading this, really holysprite touched my heart. Pastor your all words are inspired me to move a head in spiritual life. I thank Jesus for these words. May god bless u more and use u a lot in extension of hiz kingdom……. AMEN.

  5. Really awesome songs bro…. bro please tell where it was purchase , I want 1 copy.. please tell me

  6. Glory to the lord,

    NAA ASRAYAM NEEVEY………. excellent album i got my cd through courier …… ravinder sir, mimmalanu devudu inka bahuga vadukovalani aa devadi devuni prardisthunnanu…

  7. It was an wonderful and meaningful message. Really i am blessed by reading this article.thank you for sharing
    praise the lord

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