How do I know what is God’s will for me?

Sunday, October 11th, 2015   2 Comments

What is God's will for me

One early morning, in a dream Lord showed me how His will is revealed to us in our lives. In this dream, I was a heavenly citizen and was amidst the vast groups of angels who were our spectators from above. They all were very anxiously & keenly watching on how we believers behave during our earthly stay. Many of us were messed up with our present lives and were crying unto the Lord to reveal our future to us. Many were living an ignorant lifestyle but were sincerely concerned to do God’s will when it came to the primary aspects of their life. They were faithfully looking upto heaven’s help. And to my surprise, I saw these heavenly beings, the angels, the elders crying out to them saying- “Do the will of God for today & each day and you will find God’s will done for your lifetime!” They were undoubtedly saying- “Your future is comprised of your present, fail not in your present, lest you fail in your future!” I could very well feel the urgency with which they wanted to convey this matter to us. They knew that the time is very less & we are to perform within that. But I could see the people below were too occupied in their own lifestyle that they were ignorant to do what is already known. I asked them, “Why is it so?” They replied saying- “It is the deception of the enemy with which he manages to blind the believers in their daily walk with God!” I was awestruck, I enquired- “What is the solution?”, a voice screamed out repeatedly-“Set your mind on heaven! Time is limited, set your mind on heaven” and I woke up to a great conviction in my Spirit.

My dear readers, this is where most of us have mistaken in seeking God’s plan for our lives. Scriptures say that God has planned every detail of our life even before we came into existence (Ps 139:16). Then why isn’t it revealed to us accordingly? Simply, because we are too ignorant in our present. We tend to live our daily lives in our own way, plan our activities as per our comfort, decide whom to hang out with according to our desire, invest where we think is profitable to us as per our own wisdom, drop in wherever we want, satisfy every need of our flesh & after doing all, we manage to take few minutes of our time & cry out to heaven saying,-“Lord! Reveal to me, whom I should marry? Tell me how have you planned my career? Will my business fetch me good profits on & on…” It was to such on earth that the heaven was crying out & saying- “Children of God, you just missed to do God’s will for this day! You have just messed up with a part of your future, by ignoring your present! Wake up.”

That’s the reality my dear friends. God doesn’t drop in a blue print for your life in a dream or send a prophet your way & make Him prophecy your entire future for your ease. It doesn’t work like that. He reveals His plan to you with every passing day. Gradually He reveals His will, obeying to which you end up fulfilling His master plan through your lives. For example, while you are driving through a dark valley in the middle of the night. Your head lights would show you only 10- 12 feet ahead of you and not beyond that, as you cover that 10 feet, the road would be clear for the next 10 feet. So with the available light, you would be guided safely till your destination. Even so in our lives, God promises us a great future and then leads us through the path of wilderness to perfect us so that we will be in a position to receive God’s promised blessings. But if we fail to obey His plan in small things, we miss out the big from Him. If God has told you something to do, or something not to do, please obey him in that and you will get further light as you advance.

Noah was ordered much in advance to build an ark and was given every detail required to complete it (Gen 6: 14-21). Had Noah failed in building it on daily basis, he would have missed out God’s will in future. Joseph was falsely imprisoned but for a purpose which God alone knew. Bible says that even in the prison Joseph brought glory to God in doing the work allotted to him (Gen 39: 22-23). Had he instead allowed himself to feed on self-pity & reject doing God’s will in the prison, he would not have been recognized before the king in the due time. Similarly, Abraham believed God’s promise & brought glory to Him in His daily walk with God (Rom 4:20). David deeply communed with God while he was a shepherd boy before he could become a king. All these people believed God in what was promised to them & they day after day, showed their faith in action & in turn perceived & attained God’s will in their life.

And so it is in our lives too. God has promised to bless us & keep us in all our ways. He has promised to be a faithful Father unto us (Matt 7:11). He has promised to provide for every need of ours such that our joy would be made whole in Him (John 15:11). This is God’s will for us but to attain it also He has given a set of instruction to follow through our daily life. Like Noah, Abraham & the other men of God we are called to find out God’s will for this day, keep His word and walk in the daily sufficient grace for us.

This is God’s will for you – that you walk according to what is revealed to you clearly through the scriptures for THIS day.
His word reveals that we are to keep ourselves from being unspotted from the world (James 1:27), we are to speak the truth (Eph 4:15), we are supposed to produce the fruits of the Spirit in our daily lives (Eph 5:8-9),  we are to give thanks in all circumstances (1 The 5:18), we are to pray at all times (1 The 5:17), whether we eat or drink, we are to do it for the glory to God (1 Corin 10:31), we are asked not be anxious in anything (Phi 4:6), we have to walk (daily) as through we are worthy to His calling (Eph 4:1). Like this, God in His word has given every detail of how we are to carry ourselves in our daily walk. If anything in our lives is misleading us from God’s word or is not allowing us to keep the least of the commandments of God in that situation/ day/ or our life, then we must understand that – that thing is not God’s will in our life. Only when we keep His word day after day, we move closer to His divine will for us. We can’t receive big from the Lord when we utterly fail to be faithful in the little we have.

And that’s what the heaven is screaming out to us every day- “Do the will of God for today & each day and you will find the God’s will done for your lifetime!” The puzzle of life is seldom solved if you keep messing with it on daily basis. And that’s the very task of the enemy, to make you ignorant of your present so that you would miss out the best of God in your future. But thanks be to our Lord, for His grace abounds much more than our sins (Rom 5:20). While by His grace our failures can’t disturb our future with our God but they can certainly distort us during our earthly stay. Set your mind on things above (Col 3:2), let you be directed by heaven each & every day. Then, you will undoubtedly find yourself in the centre of God’s will.

Start doing God’s will from today! Commit to Lord saying, you would not be ignorant about your present but seek God’s will and do it in every detail of your life. And that you would walk in His ways, day after day, and show love to Him with all your heart, mind & strength thus anchoring yourself to the perfect will of the Father in your life.

God Bless You.
-Sis. Shruti

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2 thoughts on “How do I know what is God’s will for me?

  1. Praise the lord Pastor.. …
    Exactly i was in search of these words pastor. In resent period i was just in a stage of dejection. I felt all the doors were closed for me. Many time the question arise from me that ‘Am i walking correctly in hiz(Jesus) ways or not. If yes then why this so,,,,if no then how could i have to move further??……
    By reading this article i have got grip to move with him(Jesus). Now confidently i ll say that” i ll reach my goal by holding hiz hands” THANK YOU PASTOR for your insprable words.may god bless u and your ministry………… AMEN.

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