
Touched & Revived in Narketpally Worship Conference


Praise be to the Lord our Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I hail from a gentile family. We are two sisters & a younger brother. My dad being of orthodox Muslim faith would not believe in Jesus and question our faith in Christ. However, my mother was a faithful Christian since her young age. After knowing Christ Jesus, I prayed for my father’s salvation and for our freedom to participate in a Spirit led church. I had been asking God to show us a church for our family where we can grow in Christ; as an answer from God, one certain day we found this Church called Disciple Church in Nalgonda. Me and my mom were the first to attend this church from our family; we encountered the mighty presence of God here. As we started growing in the Lord, we saw a gradual change in my dad’s behavior towards Christ and Christians. Eventually he allowed us to church. Not only that, to our surprise one day, he decided to get baptized (may11th, 2020) and it was on that day, we were filled with joy and opened doors for blessings and miracles in to our home and closed the door of darkness for eternity .We are very grateful to Disciple church and the pastor who prayed for our dad’s salvation, which we were aspiring since some years all together. All glory to the lord our Jesus. Thank you.


Praise the Lord. I thank the Lord for His grace upon my family! In 2018, my mother’s both kidneys’s failed and the doctors had given up on her. She was asked to be taken home for there was no hope in treatment. It was then, I approached Pas. Ravinder Vottepu for prayers. He shared the gospel with my parents (who were orthodox Hindus and denied Jesus Christ in spite of my repeated efforts in leading them to Christ) and prayed for my mother’s healing. To our amaze, she was convinced by Spirit and accepted Jesus then and there. Immediately, she received healing; after going for the next check up, doctors were amazed at her reports. She started growing in the Lord and lived a very healthy life till she breathed her last in 2019 in much peace. I am very glad that the Lord Jesus healed her, extended her life by a year to know Him and obey His gospel and rest in His presence eternally. I thank the Lord for this great miracle in my life, through which my otherwise unbelieving parents have come to the saving knowledge of Christ and are continuing in His grace. Nothing is impossible to Jesus Christ our Lord!

Sarala Sulthan

Praise The Lord Everyone. I’m Sarala Sulthan and by the grace of God, I want to share my testimony. Being from a gentile family, we had never known the real Love of God that had been protecting us every moment. My husband was an atheist, he never believed in God but one day he attended a meeting of our Pastor garu (Pr. Ravinder Vottepu) and after coming home he started saying us that he really loved the worship and word. We were amazed and we as a family went to Sons’ Ministries. After going there, we were blessed by the word and worship; my husband and my both children accepted the Lord in Water baptism. The prayers of our pastors stood by us in good and hard times. My life is full of miracles, wonders and healings through the grace of God.

My husband is a diabetic, he was saved from death after a heavy diabetic attack miraculously after our Pastor’s prayers, and while we were going through huge financial crisis, we couldn’t afford for the studies of my children; but God by His grace gave my son a merit seat in IIIT, Basar. It is completely by the grace and prayers of our Pastor garu. We are really serving a real God Whose love never fails in protecting us.


2017, I call it a year of ” Life changing Year” in my life, it was when I came to Sons’ Ministries as a Hindu girl, worshipping idols, without knowing Jesus. This beautiful place taught us about the true living God, the Word of God inspired by Holy Spirit God, and the pure anointing of His Spirit led me to grow deeper in Christ. Every single service has been amazing and life changing for me. Since then, God has done many miracles in my family, which has left us amazed for our lives. The Truth has set us free. Today, I and my family members have tasted the goodness of Lord and are preparing for His return. I call Sons’ Ministries as my “secret place” to reach my heavenly Father.

Prasanna Kalapala

Praise the Lord Church, My name is Prasanna Kalapala, I’m glad to share my testimony with you all. We came to Hyd in the month of Oct’19 as my husband got transfer from vijayawada to Hyderabad. Since then, we had been earnestly looking & praying to connect to a Spirit Filled Church. We used to listen to pastor songs everday, I noticed that I didn’t subscribe to YouTube channel. Immediately, I subscribed to this channel. The very next week in February, 2020, I got notification of Disciple church Live service in LB Nagar, kothapeta. Immediately I realized that God answered my prayers. Next week in the month of February 2020 we attended the church. Our family is so blessed through the church service. I praise God for God’s Wonderful leading. God is a God who answers our prayer and He always gives best in our life’s.

I previously had three miscarriages; the first in 2nd month, then in 6th month & the third miscarriage in 9th month. In the past, I lost 3 pregnancies. I was in a huge pain, when I lost last pregnancy in 9th month, I had been pleading on God that I am not able to bare this pain and I am losing my strength. Immediately God gave me His word from Isaiah 40:31.While I was still meditating on this word, I explained all my problems to Pastor. Anna prayed for me regarding this issue. Miracle happened, I conceived the very next week itself! Which we never expected. Now, I am blessed with a baby boy. I praise God for His wondrous works in my life. And I praise God for Disciple Church and our pastor for their prayers. All glory to Jesus.

Glenn Dalavai

I have grown up attending church where my appearance at the same was a mere formality. Only in my late 20s, did I experience the real taste of God’s love and brought into light by my elders(aunt and my father) to be led into the school of Spirit. The definition of a church in my life has changed and it turned out to be a much better place for me personally than ever before, a place to go more often than not and gather together in one body and one Spirit to submit completely before our Creator under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, with focus on worshipping God with all heart and soul (John 4:24) where true liberty is enjoyed in the true fellowship of believers with Christ at the head (Matt 18:20), a place of worship and a school where the teacher is God the Holy Spirit working in the one ministering (the pastor) and the one receiving the ministry (believer), and the focus is on glorying God and learn His will in our lives.
During my long battle to find a church led by Spirit, I’ve come across very few that give emphasis on receiving the promised gift of Holy Spirit, the Helper and its leading unto Christ and Disciple Church is one of them. Though my association and relationship with the Disciple Church is brief, my acquaintance with brother Ravinder is a bit longer. It all started with our desire to invite dear brother and Pastor Ravinder to lead the Christmas service at our Church in Yacharam (a village and mandal in R.R Dist ). Our first meeting in 2016 turned out to be a blessing and we were treated by him with a Spirit filled worship and heart touching message, much to the delight of our thirsty souls.

I always believe God qualifies the ‘called’ but does not call the ‘qualified’. During these days of terrible trouble and persecution, when churches need spiritually qualified leaders to feed their flocks, I believe brother Ravinder is ‘called’ by God for HIS ministry and there is no doubt that he is leading Disciple church in Spirit and more burdened with the task of saving souls from satan’s deception and thereby fulfilling a very crucial requirement of a church – to have an anointed shepherd (Acts 20:28) leading by example and to instill the true faith in believers and help them grow in Christ.

My personal experience while attending the Sunday worship service to date in Hyderabad has been nothing less than ecstatic. I always wish I could spend more time there soaking myself in praise and worship and surrender at the feet of our gracious loving Father and God. This Christ-centered ministry where outpouring of God’s Spirit is a guarantee during every service, has become a place of altar for me to submit myself before God completely. Bro. Ravinder has a great zeal for taking the gospel to places and his team is always willing to work day in and day out for reaping the harvest. Especially, I reckon the vision to make all the nations as disciples unto Christ is God’s calling.

I humbly wish and pray that God uses this church and ministry to a great extent for building HIS kingdom. I’m greatly blessed to see the Spirit God doing great things through this ministry. May God bless the team and everyone working behind the scenes to fulfil HIS plan and WILL through this ministry and also each one of us. Amen🙌

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Bro. Glenn Dalavai


Praise the Lord! I am the Head Nurse from ENFI, District Hospital, Nandyala in an attempt to strengthen my fellow christian through fellowship & prayer. For the past few months, Disciple church sessions on Youtube have helped me to recognise my fellowship with my Lord, revealed how much I am falling short of His grace in my walk with God and am encouraged to press on to attain greater maturity in Christ. Each session is unique and we have been experiencing God’s presence watching them. The Spirit filled worship just touches our hearts and lifts us up to be present before Lord’s throne, look upto Him, to cry out and pour our true worship at His feet. I have shared your sessions with those in my fellowship and they are blessed too. We are praying and thanking God for the team. Glory to God. Amen


In my quest of finding a Spirit-led Church in Nalgonda, I once walked into this place of worship at Townhall, one evening. I had not known anything about Pastor, until he prayed for me for the first time that day when I was touched by Spirit God. Then, I saw a vision before my eyes, wherein I witnessed a huge hosts of Angels of God worshipping the Lord in that place. As far as my eyes could see, till there was a huge gathering of heavenly Angels exalting the name of God gloriously, beyond description. I had never seen such a thing with my own eyes so far. Since then, I have found Disciple Church as my place of growth and edification in my walk with God, me and my family are blessed and indebted to the Lord for leading us to this place.


Praise the lord. I am Dhashawanth Kumar from Raichur. I have been a contemporary Christian for many years. I had been reading Bible since my young age and have been listening to many sermons by many servants of God. Yet, I didn’t find peace in anything and I couldn’t get rid of the worldly lifestyle I carried. This continued even till I completed my higher education, and I started succumbing to the tactics of devil at a deeper level. One day, I came across Anna’s “Aaradhana Stuti Aaradhana” song on Youtube, I was left amazed after listening to that song and started deeply mourning over my sins. I knelt down and heard it over and over again. Following this, I listened to all the messages on the channel and the Word of God started speaking to me. I learnt to forsake those things which were drawing me back from my calling. As I started living according to the Word, I carried all my tensions to Jesus & I started experiencing true peace and freedom in Christ Jesus. God changed my life through His word. I thanked the Lord for Anna who led me through this period of transformation by the grace of God. I obeyed the Lord in water baptism and now my name is Gabriel. God has changed me. Amen

Sudhakar Tirumalasetty

Greetings to all the dear readers in Christ Jesus, our Lord! I hold a small scale business in Nalgonda, running under partnership of me and my cousin brother since six years. Mysteriously one day, I that a huge fund were missing and I learnt that a theft had taken place in my shop, culprit being one of our regular customer. Keeping this to myself, I had been to meet Pas. Ravinder Vottepu for prayers. He did not know anything about what had happened on my end, nor did I tell him. While praying for me, suddenly Lord started speaking to me through Pastor. I received a word of knowledge saying, a robbery has taken place in my shop and the money which was stolen would be restored to me very soon. I was left amazed. Very soon, just as the Lord spoke, the money which was stolen from me was given back to me and the thief was caught. Not just this, I am amazed by the way Lord has ministered to me through these years and is continually leading me to His fullness by His grace. May I be faithful to His precious call, I pray. Glory be to the Lord alone.

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